Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya Panday starrer Dream Girl 2 finally enter the Rs 100 crore club worldwide. The film had a strong opening of Rs 10.69 crores surpassing Ayushmann’s previously released films but experienced a significant drop in domestic box office collection from Sunday onwards. While talking about its domestic collection, the film witnessed a 66 percent dip from Sunday numbers and now stands at Rs 88.91 crore. The film had a total collection of Rs116 crores worldwide as shared by the actor on his Instagram handle. Here is the post:
Now the film is set to face a tough competition as the pre-booking for Shah Rukh Khan’s much-awaited film Jawan has started and the film will release on September 7. With a poor number at the domestic box office collection, it is unlikely for the film to touch the mark of Rs 1oo crore in the domestic club. The film turned out to be one of the most successful ventures of the actor, in fact, it also marks the biggest opening of his career so far.
Directed by Raaj Shaandilya, Dream Girl 2 features Ayushmann Khurrana as Karamjeet, a young boy from Mathura, who is in financial trouble due to some circumstances in his life, he poses as a woman named Pooja to make money. The film is bankrolled by Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor under the banner of Balaji Telefilms. Apart from Ayushmann and Ananya the film also features an ensemble cast including Paresh Rawal, Vijay Raaj, Annu Kapoor, Rajpal Yadav, Manjot Singh, Seema Pahwa, Abhishek Banerjee, and Manoj Joshi.