The wait is finally over. Shah Rukh Khan actioner Jawan has hit theatres and the actor’s fans are excited to watch their favourite star on the big screen. Directed by Atlee, the film also features Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Yogi Babu, Sunil Grover, Simarjeet Singh Nagra, Azzy Bagria, and Manahar Kumar, among others. Deepika Padukone has an extended cameo in the movie
With Jawan’s trailer, SRK promised to offer an action-packed drama to cinephiles. It hinted at Shah Rukh Khan playing a soldier who turns a vigilante. He has a gang of six women and together they hijack a metro train in Mumbai. Nayanthara seems to be playing a police officer and also Shah Rukh’s love interest in the movie. Vijay Sethupathi, who dons various avatars in the film, is seen as the ‘fourth largest arms dealer in the world’
The excitement around Jawan’s release is much evident from the advance ticket sales numbers. The film has sold almost 4 lakh tickets at the national cinema chains and a total of 9,66,713 tickets have been bought by movie buffs, bringing the film’s earnings to Rs 26.45 crore
As per trade analyst Girish Johar, Jawan will get a box office opening of Rs 100 crore, with Rs 40 crore coming from the overseas market and the remaining Rs 60 crore from the domestic market. He also revealed that the 30-odd single-screen cinemas in the Hindi belt, which were shut down in the pandemic, have opened just after looking at the craze around Jawan.