Kangana Ranaut: On Monday evening, the Union Cabinet led by PM Narendra Modi, in a meeting, cleared the Women’s Reservation Bill, paving for it to be presented in the two houses of the Parliament now. The bill, which allows for the reservation of seats for women in legislative bodies, has long been a contentious issue in Indian politics.
Kangana Ranaut took to Instagram on Monday night, sharing a news report that talked about the Cabinet clearing the bill. The actress wrote, “We are all witnessing the beginning of a new age… our time has come.” She shared the same note on Twitter as well.
Elaborating on how she felt the Bill would impact the country, Kangana Ranaut added, “This is the time of the girl child (no more female foeticide) this is the time of the young women (no more clinging to men for safety and security), this is the time of the Middle-aged women (no you are not unwanted and won’t be devalued anymore) this is the time of the elderly women (the world needs your wisdom and experience, your time has come)[ Welcome to the new world. Welcome to the Bharat of our dreams.”
The bill has its roots in several attempts to enact a law for legislative reservation of women in India, dating back to 1996. However, all such attempts failed previously. In 2010, the UPA government led by Manmohan Singh had gotten a version of the Bill passed by the Rajya Sabha but could not bring it to the Lok Sabha due to opposition from key allies.