Veteran actor Dev Anand home in Mumbai’s Juhu has reportedly found a new owner. Reportedly, the house where the late superstar spent his life with wife Kalpana Kartik, and children Suniel Anand and Devina Anand has been sold to a real estate company for a jaw-dropping amount. The house was situated in a prime location and thus the owner now wants to turn it into a multi-story tower. The deal was recently finalized and the work will begin once the paperwork is finished.
According to a report in Hindustan Times, Dev Anand’s home will be turned into a 22-storey tower. The actor’s home was in the Juhu area of Mumbai and has been bought by a top real estate company. The deal has reportedly been locked and the paperwork is in the process. “It has been sold for approximately ₹350-400 crores as it’s a prime location with bungalows of prominent industrialists in the locality,” the report added
The report further added that top actors including Dimple Kapadia and Madhuri Dixit had once lived in the apartments built around the bungalow premises. The veteran star’s home will now be replaced by a 22-floor-long tower.
Back in the day, Dev Anand once shed light on building his dream home in Juhu. The actor told a media outlet that when he built his house in 1950, the place wasn’t much known and he fell in love with Juhu’s wilderness. Dev Anand said that Juhu was a small village back then and there was total wilderness