The Mukesh Ambani’s Ganesh Chaturthi bash on Tuesday turned out to be a star-studded affair with not just Bollywood celebrities but several cricketers in attendance. At one moment, Shahid Kapoor was posing for the paparazzi but was photobombed by the Pandya brothers who unknowingly stood behind him to pose at the same time. Shahid Kapoor posing at Mukesh Ambani bash (left) and greeting the Pandyas at the party
A paparazzo account on Instagram shared a video from the night and fans couldn’t stop praising Shahid for handling the situation with maturity. Hardik Pandya, Krunal Pandya, and Ishan Kishan realized their mistake when Shahid turned back after posing. They all laughed over it and greeted each other with a handshake.
Praising Shahid, a fan wrote, “How sweet he is #shahidkapoor.” Another wrote, “Shahid Kapoor is so decent and we’ll mannered.” Glad they all handled an awkward moment very maturely,” read a comment. A fan also wrote for Shahid, “Most handsome hunk as he looks in his early days.” Another said, “Shahid Anil Kapoor 2.0 banega ..jb ye dada Nana bn jayega tb b aise hi dikhega (Shahid is like Anil Kapoor’s second version, he will look the same even after becoming a grandfather)
An Instagram user who didn’t look happy with how the cricketers photobombed Shahid, wrote in the comments section, “Ye log apne me man mast Magan ho kar agave photo chicane … Dhyan v nhi diya ki Shahid Kapoor pehle se hai waha pe these people are so busy getting themselves clicked, they didn’t even notice Shahid was already there”