Chief Akhilesh Yadav: Samajwadi Party Chief Akhilesh Yadav on Saturday said the party workers have worked hard in the state and the SP’s prospects were bright on the many seats. He, however, maintained that SP will talk to the alliance partners of the opposition bloc – primarily the Congress – before taking a final call on how to go about in MP polls.
Responding to a query on how many seats SP is asking for in UP from the INDIA alliance for the 2024 polls, Chief Akhilesh Yadav said: “We are not asking for seats. The Samajwadi Party is giving seats to its alliance partners.”
He said SP had entered into an alliance earlier as well and had always adopted a large-hearted approach. He said the party has never shied away from “sacrifices” when it came to seat sharing.
“This time, the fight is much bigger than ever before. We (INDIA alliance partners) will sit down and talk about it and decide,” he said when asked to comment on the seat-sharing formula for the 2024 polls.
We also published the following articles recently TMC for priority to seat-sharing talks in INDIA
Seat-sharing talks within the INDIA bloc should be given priority, according to a senior Trinamool Congress leader. TMC believes that the party with the most numerical strength in each state should have the final say in seat-sharing arrangements. TMC wants to contest 40 seats in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls in West Bengal, leaving two seats for Congress. However, this could be problematic as some Congress members have defected to TMC in Meghalaya and Assam. If the CPM decides to contest in Bengal, the situation will become more complicated.