Sunny Deol son Rajveer Deol is all set to make his acting debut with the film Dono. In a new interview with Siddharth Kannan, the actor spoke about the bumper success of his father’s film Gadar 2, and how it felt like a victory for the entire family. Rajveer also shared that he feels very angry when people comment that as an actor, their lives must be very easy
In a new conversation with Siddharth Kannan for his YouTube channel, Rajveer spoke at length about the success of Gadar 2 and how they could not believe the box office numbers at first. He said, “It is a victory for the family. For 22 years, I’ve seen him struggle and work. There were no days off. When people come up to me and say that an actor’s life is very easy, they just travel around… They must’ve seen other actors and felt that. I just get very angry, because I’ve seen how much my dad works, and how much family time he sacrifices to go out there and do something. So, to see him finally land a hit with Gadar 2, he deserves it.
I don’t know how to describe that joyful feeling, I couldn’t believe it when I heard how much it did. Every time we looked the numbers went up and up… we kept laughing we did not know how to describe it… we were so happy for him.
Gadar 2 had a bumper run at the box office. Starring Sunny Deol Utkarsh Sharma and Ameesha Patel the film released in theatres on August 11 and minted ₹40 crore on its opening day in theatres.