Months after her separation from her husband Zorawar Ahluwalia, Kusha Kapila has replied to a question about relationship advice. Here’s what she has said. Actor Kusha Kapila has responded when asked whom she takes relationship advice from. Speaking with Curly Tales, Kusha also gave a message to the trolls. Kusha parted ways with her husband Zorawar Ahluwalia in June this year.
Kusha was asked whom would she approach to take relationship advice. The actor laughed and fumbled before replying, “I don’t know. My friends.” When asked about the ‘way to her heart’, Kusha replied “Through conversations”.
She was asked if she had a message for trolls. Kusha replied with a smile, “Karte raho, hum apna karte rahenge (You keep doing yours, we will keep doing ours). We both have a job to do.” Kusha chose Italy when asked about the one place where she would like to stay
Recently, talking with Zoom, she said, “I do understand that this is a part of being a public person like if you’re profiting off being a public person, I understand that this is now a part of that. Kuch toh log kahenge logon ka kaam hai kehna (it is the job of the people to comment) and which was going to happen. I think my life now is in the service of making my skin thicker and thicker every day. And that’s just what I work towards literally every day I have to be immune, I have to be thick-skinned and the scars will begin to heal soon enough.