Madhya Pradesh: Panic gripped Gwalior after residents spotted a man’s torso in the heap of garbage near a drain along the Swarnarekha river on Friday. The man’s hands and legs were missing. Earlier, the residents mistook the body for an animal. However, a close look revealed it to be the human organ. Horrified, the locals informed the police.
The Madhya Pradesh police have begun their investigation and have established a crime scene examination to uncover the details of the case.
The team of cops could only find found only the lower part of the torso in the heap of garbage in the drain.
There were no visible hands, legs, or heads in the vicinity. Before the police arrived, a crowd had gathered at the site. When the police reached, they could only find the lower part of the body. The police initially suspected it to be an animal carcass.
It is believed that he may have been murdered, and the body was dumped here. The identity of the deceased and the perpetrator of the crime are yet to be determined.
The body was sent for medical examination for investigation. The examination revealed that the torso belonged to a male, ruling out the possibility of it being an animal. The rest of the body parts remain unaccounted for.
Despite search efforts by the police, no further clues have been found. The police have initiated a thorough investigation into the case.