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Tiger 3, directed by Maneesh Sharma and the latest installment of YRF Spy Universe


Salman Khan is back as the OG superspy in Tiger 3, the latest installment in the YRF Spy Universe that follows the events of Tiger Zinda Hai (2017), War (2019), and Pathaan (2023). This time, he seems to be in a war of within: where his country has been pitted against his family, consisting of his wife and fellow spy Zoya (Katrina Kaif) and their son.

Salman Khan and Katrina as Tiger and Zoya are seen spending quality time with their son in the first half of the trailer. However, soon Tiger is forced into a situation where he has to choose between his country and his family. Their son is also seen under threat at one point in the trailer

Both Salman and Katrina are seen engaging in close combat and high-octane action sequences throughout the trailer. At one point, Katrina is even seen fighting in a towel against another woman, who’s sharing the same towel. It’s a blink-and-miss but a striking visual because of its action choreography

The trailer kicks off with the voiceover and face reveal of Revathy, who seems to be playing the new RAW chief. Girish Karnad, the veteran actor who played the RAW chief in the first two installments of the franchise, Kabir Khan’s Ek Tha Tiger (2012) and Ali Abbas Zafar’s Tiger Zinda Hai (2017), died in 2019

Finally, Emraan Hashmi, whose voice and silhouette looms large over the trailer, is revealed at the end. He claims his family was killed by Tiger, but one doesn’t know the complete backstory yet. Emraan’s character, in a completely new look, has got Tiger hostage in Pakistan at the end of the trailer.

ALSO READ: Kajol decided to don a tracksuit, like she wore in the film, to commemorate 25 years of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai


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