The founder of Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, released a video on Sunday that threatened passengers on Air India flights. As a result, the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS), which oversees civil aviation in India, has asked airport operators in Delhi and Punjab to cease providing entry passes to tourists.
Pannun made a threat on November 19, the day of the ICC World Cup final, to blow up an Air India flight. “Issue of TAEPs (temporary airport entry passes) entry of visitors to the terminal building of the IGI (Indira Gandhi International) airport (in Delhi) and sale of visitors entry tickets will banned,” stated the BCAS order, which released Monday evening. According to an officer at the Delhi airport, the BCAS directive put into effect. “We have put the order into effect, and until November 30 all AEPs will suspended, with the exception of those doing operational work.”
Following constant threat messages shared by the central agencies regarding “threat to civil aviation installations over all India airport like airports, airstrips, airfields, air force stations, helipads, flying schools and aviation training schools,” the BCAS stated that the action taken as a precaution. The regulatory body declared that the supplementary ladder point check (SLPC) will required of the airport security agency. “100% SLPC for all Air India flights at 161 Airport and airports in Punjab,” the directive said. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) received the instruction from the BCAS as well.
In response to the pro-Khalistani group’s warning of an Air India assault, India has also requested that Canada increase the security on Air India aircraft. India has also asked Canada to punish Pannun for threatening them.
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