Once in a metropolitan city there is a person whose name is Vivek Sharma. Vivek working in a DRDO as a scientist. The Secret missions for the military India who is a game changer in his field of scientific research. He got a name as a Defense master. He is living in a banglow alone and his harmonious company in everyday life is only his cook. Vivek loves gardening and having botanical trees grown by him in the garden of home. He loves to meet children waffs and strays in free time he is having lots of concerns about the children. His main concern is achieve the rights of evey child. Who is a human well-being with humanity. He is working for the defence field and always thinks innovative and greater ideas and implementing projects.
Thursday there is an alert signal received in night. War announced on the same day night. By Defense Master hard work Vivek succeeded in the current crisis of war and his contribution was awarded. The defense master Vivek Sharma made that war to victory. Defence Master journey for the defence department continues with missions!!
Enemies are the sign of building blocks which makes us stronger and constructed with high resistance at that scenario.
Discover the art of getting rid of the enemies…………..
Also read Self care